JAV: Japanese Adult Video. AKA "AV".This is the Japanese equivalent of the Western porn genre. In general, the videos seem less staged than those in the West, and less vulgar--though there are sometimes extreme examples, like those published by M's Video Group or Das. And while a good percentage of the porn world has caught up in terms of video technology, JAV videos tend to be shot less professionally, giving it a somewhat rawer production in general. Also, due to Japan's laws, AV's censor the male and female genitalia (though some uncensored videos are also produced for non-domestic audiences).
Pinku Eiga: "Pink Movie." The Japanese equivalent of the soft porn b-movie genre. As such films go, they tend to have really weird stories and themes, but are generally more enjoyable than their western counterparts.
Bukkake: an AV genre featuring a group of men (usually groups of 10 men and above) ejaculating on an actress' face, mouth, and body. Supposedly, the genre was originally created to bypass Japan's censorship rules.
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